
My experience of walking the path of deep grief inspired me to become a therapist and continue this beautiful and needed work.

I attended the California Institute of Integral Studies for a Masters in Integral Counseling Psychology, a program emphasizing importance of integrating mind/body/spirit and focusing on Psychodynamics, Gestalt, Transpersonal and more, and graduated in 2018. I have followed the golden thread of grief throughout my career and study, working on a weekly basis in a Soulful Life Community with Francis Weller, as well as taking he and his wonderful colleague’s 5 month Grief Ritual Training. My own deep losses have put me on a path to find strongholds and communities that support his essential, ancient human experience.

Previous to becoming a therapist, I had a long career in bodywork, focusing on CranioSacral work as well as traditional massage. I learned the skill of listening carefully to the body’s energy, and the healing that attuned presence brings.

I am also a songwriter and musician; this creativity joyfully (or sorrowfully) reminds me I am woven into the cosmos. I love listening to and harmonizing with the world, with piano and singing.

The death of my first child at 8 days old threw my life into a trajectory I would never have imagined. I am so grateful for my child, who I continue to love and grieve, and for all the wisdom and life that he continues to bring me.

I have a deep relationship with the land and creatures of Sonoma County, and deep gratitude to the Pomo, Coastal Miwok and Wappo people who have tended this place for millennia. Being in and listening to nature bring foundational connection and healing for me.

Notable Trainings


  • 2017 Social Advocates for Youth

  • 2018 Lomi Psychotherapy Clinic

  • 2019 Lani Lee, LMFT - Private Practice