the Safe and Sound Protocol.


The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a powerful listening therapy designed to help regulate the nervous system, so you can better connect with yourself, others and the world around you. As a practical application of Polyvagal Theory, the SSP acts as a non-invasive, acoustic vagal nerve stimulator, helping to retune the nervous system to better support connection, collaboration and resilience. The SSP involves listening to specially filtered music through headphones alongside a provider in person or remotely. Suitable for children and adults, the SSP has demonstrated benefits for individuals with trauma, anxiety, sensory processing differences and more.

"I truly believe that the SSP resets the nervous system, and has my son feeling safe rather than being in constant fight or flight."

— Parent (and occupational therapist) of son with autism

I have seen child and adult clients increase their sense of calm and safety in public and with their peers, increase ability to participate in outings and increase communication with parents during and after engagement in the SSP. Book a consultation to see if this would be a fit for you or your child. - Jessica Malmberg, LMFT

Safe and Sound Protocol Fees and Schedule

Program fee - $850 (payment plans available)


$300 Access fee for up to 4 months of access (may be longer if client is on a regular but shorter duration listening schedule)

Initial intake session - 70 min. $225

Messaging support as needed through the program

Three 30 min. supportive therapy sessions occurring at week 3, 5, 8 of the Core (filtered music) pathway.  (2 sessions in the middle of program and one at the end) Virtual or in person.

(Therapy sessions may be lengthened to 50 min, and additional sessions may be scheduled if needed, at additional fee)

Safe and Sound Protocol Sample Schedule 

2 weeks of Connect listening pathway(no filtration - allows the brain to become accustomed to music, for particularly sensitive or activated clients)

8 weeks of Core (filtered music), listening for 15 min/day, 3 days a week.

2 weeks of Balance (Partially filtered music, used for mood regulation or upkeep of gains made)

Each client has unique needs that are taken into consideration when creating a schedule for SSP listening. Most clients are able to begin listening during the initial session, during which we assess their response, and create a plan for how long their listening sessions should be to begin the program. Some clients listen for only 30 seconds to begin, and their progression through the program takes longer, but is more effective at this rate. Clients can listen for up to 30 minutes at a time if tolerable to them. Most often listening sessions may continue at home, with therapist available by messaging or phone for questions and concerns. Some clients choose to listen to the music only in the therapy office.

Balance Pathway available for $30/month ongoing - (partially filtered music that acts as mood regulator, maintenance for the shifts made with Core)

Repeat of program: $425

Additional family members - $150 program fee plus fee for additional sessions. If family members share sessions, there is no additional fee.

How it Works

The SSP is:

A 5-hour auditory intervention developed and patented by Dr. Stephen Porges, author of the Polyvagal Theory. Listening takes place over many sessions, either at home or in the therapy office.

Designed to reduce sound sensitivity, and improve auditory processing and behavioral state regulation.

Activates the client’s social engagement system, helping to accelerate and enhance therapeutic outcomes.

Supports physiological state regulation, allowing for greater resilience.